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मरो नया गित मायाले सजाउला रिलिज भै सकेको छ सबैजनाले हेरेर प्रतिक्रिया दिनु होला है। Video Link :
I would like to thank all the media workers, brothers and senior personalities who published my biography, interviews, printed and published about my musical life in various newspapers and online sites. I have put some links of interviews and biographies here for my well-wishers and my loved ones, please have a look and read. ** […]
latest nepali remix song by om sunar/ melina rai chandra ma jhai ramri chhau movie babu kanchha
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,sed diam consectetuer adipiscing elit, nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,sed diam consectetuer adipiscing elit, nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.
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